Getting the right finance deal is important, one of the major concerns is overstraining your personal budget. There are many companies out there that are quick to take you on board, one particular link is to Car-finance 247. You must have good credit rating avoid this site. Pay day loans such as Wonga should be avoided at all costs.
The only advice that we can give you is to shop around and stay within your budget.
As discussed on buying your first car, its not just about your initial payment for the vehicle, its the annual running costs that need to be taken into consideration.
If possible get a bank loan, or more importantly apply to a recognised refinancing company.
Black horse finance is generally very good. Go directly to Black Horse and they will give you the correct advice. You will need to be a Lloyds account holder to redeem the services provided.
Santander and Nationwide provide a fantastic finance service for new and used cars. The links are provided.
We have not got the right to deter you from where you decide to go to finance your new vehicle, but we do have enough experience to say STOP, research and be careful.
Finance is not a game although there are winners and losers. It can affect you considerably if you get it wrong and it will damage your credit rating for years. You have to take on board all future considerations when taking out financial agreements. Don’t be pressurised into signing something without reading the small print.
Where possible do consider going through your bank as they often have lower rates for their own customers that are not advertised on their sites.
Please read the review from the Guardian before taking out any type of loan.