Motorways Test Car

All Questions in this test relate to the course lesson, they are different to the ones that appear on the official DVSA test. You are probably aware that all test questions on the DVSA CD rom or official apps do not mirror the online DVSA test. If you have learning difficulties or English is not your first language, this could pose a problem. Learning questions in a repetitive way could cause issues when it comes to the official test.

The DVSA state that the reasons the questions are different is that they want you to learn and understand the content.

This includes all new questions added to their data-base, rather than publish them, they would like you to research, this could pose a problem as you do not know what to research.

The questions in this test can be ambiguous, they can also be thought provoking. All the questions in this test require only one answer.

Like the DVSA test, all questions are similar but not the same as the official test.

The minimum pass mark for this test is 85%, in order of obtain a certificate of completion the pass mark is 90%

Motorways Test Car