When applying for Car insurance for the first time It does pay to shop around. If you are in the age group of 17-25, insurance can be very costly.

When searching for car insurance, you will need to make sure that the cover is adequate for your needs. The cheapest quote is not always the best.

Insurance comes in three categories:
Third party, third party fire and theft and fully comprehensive.
A more detailed explanation can be found in the B theory documents section.

Why not add windscreen protection: In most cases windscreens can cost between £300 – £400 pounds and in some cases a lot more. Heated or tinted windscreens are more expensive than plain ones. A simple stone chip can develop into something more serious rendering your windscreen illegal. For a small excess payment, you can avoid a colossal bill.

There are several links to insurance companies below.
The comparison sites allow you to enter your details in once, they will then produce quotes from all insurers using a database. If you use more than one comparison site you will need to re-enter your details at the start for each of them.

None comparison sites will tailor your insurance to suit you. Marmalade state that they are for the young driver, we have heard good reports from young people using them. Below are links to the individual sites.

Excess is the first part of any claim that you have to pay, in most cases it is set at a mandatory £100, You can however reduce your insurance costs considerably by increasing the excess. In all circumstances the higher excess you are willing to pay, the more it will reduce your premiums.
The fines for driving without insurance are unlimited, You will also incur points and even the loss of your licence.